Sunday, 23 December 2007

MPs salaries

So our MPs will be voting on an increase to their salaries of 10%, in a 3 year deal, in the New Year.

I wonder whether they will vote against it because it is well above the percentage that the've set for the people that really run the country? ie our Council workers, Police, Nurses, Firefighters etc.

Don't forget that they also get very generous expenses, which unlike you and I, covers their travel into work, meals, accomodation etc, so in real terms, they
will get a hell of a lot more than 10%.

But being the honest hard working representatives of the people that we voted for to make our lives better, they will vote against it and demand less I'm sure.

Yeah right!

They want us to give them more money for the privelege of pissing us all off!
They really do a fine job at that don't they!

What a bunch of two faced bastards they all are!

The Worm.....................

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