Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Karen Matthews, the bitch!

So, it was all a big hoax to make money then!

I know you'll think it's easy enough to say this now, but I suspected this scenario about a week ago, and so probably did you and the police!

Why do you think Shannon is still in care then?

What worries me is the mental scars this poor little girl might suffer!

When I look at all of the footage on TV of the family and friends, I despair!
They all stand around with booze in their hands in front of the cameras, chain smoking, all with mobile phones, obviously not working, and all on benefit!

How the hell can they afford to do that?

Can you?

The scum! Honest hard working people who can't afford these sort of luxuries are paying for that, and it's about time these scroungers were sorted out once and for all!

The reason that they get away with it is because they are looked after by the system that needs their votes!

I'd certainly vote for them if they were looking after me so well to do fuck all, wouldn't you?

Instead, you and I work hard to make ends meet, and are then abused and dominated by the very system that we hoped would look after us!

Not all benefit claiments are undeserved, but this low life gets all of them a bad name!

If I had my way, the only people that were allowed to vote in a General Election would be tax paying working people who contribute to the system!

That would sort this country out, because it definitely needs sorting doesn't it!

Your ever despairing Worm..................


Barb said...

Well, Worm, it sounds like the USA with people getting hand outs for doing nothing--and in too many cases people who refuse to take jobs claiming some disability or other.

I know there are truly disabled people --but there are some who figure it's easier to take a small gov't hand-out --than to work for small wages. We've made it just as profitable to not work as to work.

El Cerdo Ignatius said...

I'm with you, Worm. The taxpayer should take care of those who can't take care of themselves, instead of taking care of everyone who won't take care of himself. And I wouldn't shed a tear if every person who isn't a property owner were disenfranchised.

The Worm said...

Hi again Iggy!
Don't get me wrong, as I'm not anti council tenants. They were lucky enough to be given a home, I on the other have had to buy mine. Because I have, I'm deemed to be well off, when nothing could be further from the truth. I'm entitled to nothing from the system as I "don't qualify"!
Our system is so unfair and biased towards these people.