Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Microsoft Vista! This it progress?

Have you ever noticed that you'll cotton on to certain brand of tasty sauce, sausage, pie etc at the supermarket, only to find that 3 months later they've changed the packaging, improved the reciepe, charged you more for the privelege, and its CRAP?

In my experience, it happens all the time!

With Microsoft we don't have a choice do we!

They've been allowed to corner the market with every computer company in the world, and they dictate!

I bought my new laptop 6 months ago, and for the life of me can't get on with it because of their new system called Vista! (and you don't seem to be able to get a new PC or laptop today without it so we're all buggered!)

If we have to go forward, please let's go forward and not back!

If it 'aint broke, don't try to fix it for the sake of change!

Vista is definitely a step backwards!

What's your opinion wormies?

Your frustrated Worm................


El Cerdo Ignatius said...

I'm a big believer in Harry Truman's old saying: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Microsoft made the classic blunder of trying to fix something - namely, Windows XP - that wasn't "broke", and in typical style, rushed a replacement to market that's full of bugs.

In short, Vista must die.

Anonymous said...

Windows XP is the best generation of windows Microsoft has produced. The early versions of Windows were just a fancy Directors toy bolted on to MSDOS the original operating system. Windows Vista is still in it's infancy but Microsoft had to bring it out to beat the competition, in doing so they ruined a perfectly good operating system with one that has holes sags splitting seams and is downright crap. I agree with el cerdo ignatius, Vista must and I think will die