Thursday, 5 February 2009


Wouldn't it be fun if EU rules got even more stupid so that we could vote for foreign MPs to govern us!
All of our MPs could then quite easily be Polish, Lithuanian, Slavs, German, French, Belgian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Portugese etc!
And why not!
They all seem to look after their own unlike our so called representatives, so why not.
We could then have Gordon Brown deposed as PM by a Pole!
What a laugh that would be!
He could then apply for benefit, only to be told that he doesn't qualify, just like you and I!
"If however Mr Brown, you were a foreign national, we could give loads of free benefits that you haven't paid in to"
"Unfortunately for you Mr Brown, you've never been unemployed, you've paid your taxes and been screwed by every successive Government in your lifetime. But that doesn't count l'm afraid. The system just isn't designed to help the millions of people like you in this country that actually pay for it and are in need!"
"A good idea would be for you to move to Poland or any other scrounging EU member country, and live there long enough to get a foreign EU passport"
"Once you've got that, you could move back here, and we'll welcome you with open arms and make sure you're looked after!"

To add insult to injury, he could then go to the job centre or Temp agency, only to be told that despite his qualifications, there are at least 10 EU immigrants that are willing and waiting to work cheaper than he's prepared to work for, so sorry, get on the scrap heap with the rest of your tax paying countrymen! YOU JUST DON'T BLOODY QUALIFY!

When will all of our MPs and ministers get into the real world, and listen to and help the very people that voted for them, instead of bowing and scraping to every other foreign bastard! Stop sitting on the fence for the sake of a quiet life!

They don't feel the need to serve!
It's just a job to them that pays quite well, but with lots of perks!
"Come the Revolution" you self serving bastards!

Your very angry Worm................

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