Thursday, 26 April 2007


Tony Blair has just announced that the world must look after Africa at our peril!

Why do we keep trying? It never seems to make any difference at all!

When most of it was under Colonial rule, Africa and its peoples prospered, (although, yes, we did exploite them for our own gain I admit) But at least they weren't dying at the rate they are now of starvation, malnutrition, of a murdering regime, or lack of medical care! ( or were they?)
Unfortunately, us and other countries gave them their independance, only to see them taken over by their Armies and corrupt despots!

Just look at what Mugabe has done to Zimbabwe, once the bread basket of Africa!

The world has poured billions into Africa over the years in charity and loans, only to find that the money has been salted away into the Swiss bank accounts of their rulers, and has never been used to help the people for whom it was intended at all!
Our Government and banks have loaned them billions, only to wipe off the debt years later because they couldn't pay it back, and yet if you and I go £5 in the red, we are charged an arm and a leg for it for it!

Please dont get me wrong, because I'd like to think that I'm a nice person, and I have witnessed their agony at first hand. But pouring money into Africa is not the answer!

I just hate to see the film footage of these people starving, dying, and living in absolute poverty and misery, just as much as you do! But money is not the answer!

It seems to me, that the only way to help them is to go back in there, and take charge once more, or if money is the answer, let us have our own agencies out there to administer the money we have sent to them and not their governments!

Think about it!

It makes sense to me!

What do you think is the answer?

The Worm................................


Barb said...

About Africa --that's the way I feel about Iraq. IF we CAN fix it and establish order in Iraq --let's do it --give it all we have. If we can't help that tiny democracy --people voted! --then how can we expect to protect ourselves. They need a policeman now and we are the only hope of that.

We are so sensitive to media in America --Britain ,too, i think --we lose lives or kill innocent civilians in a skirmish, and media says get out and give up --but it will be a royal mess if we leave, i'm sure of it --like what we see in Africa. England got out of there because you were unpopular there, but self-gov't doesn't come easily to uneducated, tribal people. Exploiters come in all nations and races and delay progress and education of the people.

I really do think Christianity is the best hope of civilization --the bedrock behind western civ.

The Worm said...

You say that the English got out of Africa because we were not popular there!
Despite its good intentions, America isn't exactly the flavour of the month either!

The Worm......................