Monday, 30 April 2007

Why do men do the barbeques?

For fear of being accused of being sexist (we must be very PC mustn't we!)
the reason is very simple girls!
Us men just can't trust you ladies to not burn yourselves!
And you do, don't you!
You girls can't cook a Sunday roast in the oven without burns to your hands, let alone a BBQ, so why would we trust you with real live fire?
Us men are only thinking of you, because we are considerate, but of course you don't appreciate it one little bit do you!
You just put it down to a macho "man" thing.

So who's being sexist now?

A henpecked 38 years married Worm................................. hehehe!


Barb said...

I love it when the man cooks --anywhere, anything! I don't care why he does it.

The Worm said...

You sound like an interesting lady Barb.