Friday, 29 June 2007

The Smoking Ban (2)

Well? all of you nasty smokers!

I hope you enjoy your last day of freedom on the 30th of June, because the following day, you and I will have become even bigger pariahs than we were before!

I've been told by my friends that live in Harlow, that their Council have been advertising for staff to patrol their town centre, pubs and clubs, to enforce the ban, and issue on the spot fines.

Will they be in a recognisable uniform I wonder?

If so, will they favour Hitlers' Brown Shirts, or the very sexy black Gestapo look?

Will there be a hotline, where annonomously, you can shop your family, friends and neighbours?

Does this sound familiar?

Give it time!

Everybody in the country has lost some form of civil liberty over the past 10 years under Labour, and don't think it will stop here!

What next I wonder?

An enjoyment tax?

Laugh, and you're nicked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your very nasty smoking (and non laughing)Worm.......................................

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