Sunday, 16 December 2007

Fuel prices, and the cost of living!

Inflation is less than 3%?

What a load of bollox!

Not for you and me it isn't!

There's only one way to stop these spiraling costs!

Take away the Cabinet and MP expenses!

Make them pay their own way to live and work like you and I have to do, make them spend their own money to support themselves, and then put a limit of 2% on their annual salaries.


The cost of living and fuel prices would then become a hell of a lot lower than they are now I'm sure!

Take away all of their priveleges, and expose them to exactly what you and I have to endure.
You and I don't enjoy their benefits do we!

To understand and represent the people, you have to live like the people!


I should be PM!

I'd look after you!

The Worm.........................


Anonymous said...

I agree, but we have a problem. The MPs vote it for themselves and we don't get a look in or a say. I think it's bloody hypocritical when they made The Queen and her ilk pay taxes and use their civil list monies more efficiently.

The Worm said...

A new Wormie!

Welcome friend!

Please don't hesitate to post a comment, irrespective of whether you agree with me or not.
It will always be posted!

I agree. Our MPs don't go into politics to serve the electorate, just to serve themselves, because it's more rewarding than working for a living like you and I have to!

Pass the site around to your friends if you can, as it would be nice to see a few more contributors on here.

The Worm......................