Monday, 14 May 2007


I've just read that doctors prescribed over 31 million prescriptions for anti-depressants last year!

I wonder why?

Well if Gordon Brown is as good a PM as he was Chancellor ,with all of his blood sucking ways, it will be 41 million next year!

He treated us with contempt as Chancellor, and he will do so again as PM!

Leopards don't change their spots!

He will be just as out of touch with you and I as he was as Chancellor!

Your depressed Worm..........................

Gimme the tablets doc!

1 comment:

El Cerdo Ignatius said...

Dear Mr. Worm:

As they say in Brussels, ne t'inquiète pas! (Sorry, couldn't resist.) What I mean to say is you might use the example of Canada to provide you some hope. To wit:

1993: Liberal Party of Canada, led by Jean Chrétien, wins election. Country's social and cultural rot accelerates with the blessing and encouragement of the new government.

2002: Internal Liberal Party divisions over Mr. Chrétien's leadership erupt into the open.

2003: Prime Minister Chrétien retires. Finance Minister Paul Martin (equivalent to Chancellor of Exchequer) takes over.

2004: Martin calls an election and loses the Liberal majority.

2006: Martin calls another election and loses outright. He and his gang are booted unceremoniously from office.


So, let's now review the UK experience:

1997: Labour Party led by Tony Blair wins election. The UK's social and cultural rot accelerates with the blessing and encouragement of the new government.

2005/6: Internal Labour Party divisions over Mr. Blair's leadership erupt into the open.

2007: Labour gets a bloody nose in Council elections. (Okay, this is a stretch as far as the comparisons go, but I'm throwing this in so that I don't have to predict another Labour government, even a minority one.)

Late June 2007: Prime Minister Blair retires. Chancellor of Exchequer, Gordon Brown, takes over.

ASAP after July 1, 2007: Mr. Brown calls an election and loses the Labour franchise, and is booted unceremoniously from office.

Hey, it could happen! Keep your chin up and stay away from the Happy Pills!

And best of luck to you and your country.