Thursday, 24 May 2007

Road pricing.

Just how stupid are the Government in thinking that you and I are going to vote them back in again to do this to us!
I've just worked out how much it will cost me to go to work.
With no viable alternative route, I will have to do 600 miles a month on the A1 in the rush hours. If mooted figures are to believed, at about £1.30. a mile, I will be paying about £780 a month, plus £100 fuel.
That is more than 50% of my take home pay!
(please don't tell me to work locally, as my salary would be at least 30% less!)

I'm struggling now! This would crucify me, and I would probably have to sell the house that I have worked so hard for, to live in a garret, eating supermarket econamy crap!

How will this effect you? Just as badly I'll bet!


If this is introduced, our lanes, side roads, and town centres will be in chaotic and total grid lock, used by the people that need to get to work, but cant afford to pay this idiotic Big Brother injustice.

This will add very stressful hours to our day, be very inflationary, put hundreds of thousands out of work, and cost the benefit system an absolute fortune!

If I can see this, why can't my so called betters?

I voted Labour hoping that they would make the land that I love strong, and great once more!
All they seem to be doing (very successfully I might add) is decimating our way of life, making us a 3rd rate nation, and the laughing stock of the world!

And you wonder why I want to emigrate when I retire?

I just can't wait to get away from the daily persecution!

Your very patriotic, disillusioned, and pissed off Worm..........................

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