Sunday, 27 May 2007

The smoking ban!

So what next?

If we all stopped smoking tomorrow, the country would be in dire trouble!

Yes, I am a smoker!

The Government happily takes my duty on cigarettes, but makes me a pariah!

That would mean extreme taxation on all of you condecending pious non smokers.

So serves you right!

So what can we tax next I wonder?

A breathing tax?
A farting tax?
A sex tax?
A right to live tax?
A happiness tax?
A thought tax?
A daylight tax?
A night tax?
An imagination tax?
A revival of the window tax?
A tax tax?

Who knows which civil liberty you and I are going to lose next?

Your very very unhappy Worm....................................


El Cerdo Ignatius said...

Good morning, Worm, Your Honour,

I am a non-smoker myself. I happen to think that that smoking is bad for one's health. If a restaurant or bar is too smoky, I'll avoid the place, etc. I hope my children avoid the habit for their entire lives.

But I am with you on this one. I think the degree to which smokers have been made to feel and look like pariahs is ridiculous. If you want to smoke, go ahead! Enjoy it. I hope it doesn't ruin your health, but I consider that your business, not mine.

Carl Shoup, the famed Columbia University public finance economist, always felt that a tax on something addictive was immoral. On the other hand, high cigarette taxes discourage young people from starting smoking. As important as I think it is to minimize smoking by under 18's, I believe Shoup had it right.

It would seem, sir, that you feel likewise. The government - all governments - need restraining, and I worry that you may have given them some new taxation ideas.

Best regards.

P.S. - You probably recognized my salutation above as a plagiarism from Pink Floyd's The Wall album. Still, it's a fine greeting.

The Worm said...

Thank you for your comments "el cerdo", they are always welcome, even if negative.
I'm getting a number of communications from other sufferers in both America and Canada too.
If only the English were reading the site!

The Worm.....................