Friday, 11 May 2007

Tony Blairs' farewell speech.

So he did what he honestly believed was right for the country, and appologised for his failures.

Of his sincerity, I have no doubt.
But sorry, in my book, that is not good enough!

You simply just can't screw up big time, and expect to be let off the hook by just saying that you're sorry!

We so wanted to believe what he told us, but as usual (like most politicians) he just told us what we wanted to hear to get into power, and then did what he wanted to do regardless!

Just like Maggie, he surrounded himself with "yes men" because he wanted his own way, and if anyone didn't fall into line, he got rid of them.

Perhaps, if he wasn't so full of himself, he could have listened to the people that he got rid of, and maybe would not have had so many failures! ( his failures far exceed his successes I'm afraid!)

Tony Blair? You were a dictator!

So welcome back to the real world!
I hope it treats you just as badly as it treats the rest of us!

My dad always told me that it was his ambition to afford to be able to vote Conservative one day! (he never did!)
With all of the luxury tastes and financial needs that you've aquired over the past 10 years, I think that you and Cherie might consider it!

It would be in your interest!

The Worm..............................

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