Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Are you happier under Labour?

Are you happier than you were 10 years ago under the Tories?
For you, the answer could be yes.
For me, it's definitely a NO!

The country had been Tory for far too long, and things were deteriorating at a rate of knots!
It was time for a change, and New Labours message was so exciting and full of hope for the future!
So Tony and Gordon, once installed in Number 10 and 11, started to introduce their optimistic policies.
New Labour told us, that they were going to spend spend spend to improve the NHS, the Education System, Law and Order, The Police Force, our Road System, and everything else wrong with the country! And to add to all of that, they were going to be the party of low taxation! What a vote winning message that was! So what happened to all of those policies?
Tony, and good old Gordon, have spent billions in the past 10 years trying to improve the above services! Unfortunately, they never seemed to aim the cash where it mattered! At the sharp end! It all seems to have gone into administration, trying to cut costs and save money, rather then actually improving things, and I think you will agree, that everything is still declining!
Gordon Brown, being the canny Scot he is, kept his promise though! He didn't increase direct tax at all, bless him!
No! What that self serving smug bastard did, was to introduce new ones! And boy o boy, hasn't he done it with a vengence! We now pay more tax (direct and indirect) than we ever did under the Tories! Have things got better for you? Are you happier with things than you were 10 years ago? because if you are, you must be doing extremely well for yourself, and can afford not to worry! The average working man in this country however, certainly can't afford much more of his financial persecution!
The Green issue seems to be his latest money spinner! He seems to think that any Green problem should be taxed, and he will be applauded for it!

So if what I've read is to be believed, animal flatulance causes a vast amount of damaging greenhouse gasses, but of course we can't tax pigs, sheep and cattle, can we? So would I be correct in assuming, it might be also true of humans too? If so, please don't be supprised if we see the introduction of The Fart Police in the future! So break wind in public, and you'll be fined £100 pounds! That's a good one Gordon!
Now that sounds absolutely ludicrous, but please don't rule it out!

So am I happier? Like hell I am!

Why oh why wasn't I born a 100 years earlier?
Things were so much simpler then!
I could have voted for the Whiggs!

The Worm.................................

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