Friday, 9 March 2007

Private Healthcare. (2)

Hi Worms! I'm back!

You'll be pleased to know, that my hernia operation was a complete success, and I'm now safely back home.

I'm sure you won't be suprised when I tell you, that the whole experience was not one I would have had if I had been with the NHS. I left the hospital feeling very happy with my treatment, food, service, and very grateful that private healthcare was part of my employment package.

What will suprise you however, is that I do not intend slagging off the NHS!
Although we are all aware of the sorry state our healthcare system is in at the moment, we must remember that our dedicated doctors, nurses, and support staff, do the best job they can, given the resources they have to work with, and for we should be grateful.

One of the conversations I can remember having with my dear old dad in my formative years, was him telling me just how lucky we were to have our health service. "We are the envy of the world!" he told me. Not just for our health service, but for the standard of our law and order, utilities (we never bought bottled water in those days!) manufacturing, our armed services, television and radio, in fact, almost everything that was British was usually the best. I'm not too sure just how right he was, but if true, it certainly is not the case now.
But I digress.

What I'd like to know is this.
If we had it so right 50 years ago, how come, that with all that amount of time, investment, and progress, our national health service seems to be falling apart at the seams?
In fact, everything seems to be going like that, doesn't it.

We must identify the cause of the problems, learn from them, and put things right before this country sinks into oblivion!

I opened up this site, because I am not happy with the way my country is going, and I know that there are so many of you out there that feel the same way too.
However, saying nothing, and just accepting whatever life throws at us, will not achieve anything.
This site will probably achieve nothing either, but at least I'm trying to do my bit, and I can vent my spleen, feeling better for doing so!
This is an open forum, so I hope that if you read my blogs, and have an opinion on the subject, you will use it to vent your spleen too!

You can write to the "letter" columns of the national newspapers, but the chance of getting published is very remote.
On this site, you WILL get published, and fellow Worms will be able to read your views, and comment on them too!

So let's be hearing from you.

Happy worming! We could be the little difference that makes the BIG difference! Who knows?

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