Sunday, 4 March 2007

Hello worms everywhere!

This is the Worm, and this is my first blog, so please be patient with me.

If I'm correct, the expression "the worm is turning" is used to describe people or someone that has been pushed to the limit, has had enough, and is now going to retaliate.

WELL THAT'S ME! (and hopefully you!)

I was born in the slums of London in the late 40's, (so I'm well aware of my roots!) am married with 2 grown up children, and live in the shires.
I earn a lot less than the average national wage (god would I love to be average!) but would like to think that I'm doing ok, despite everything that is thrown at me!
My wife and I have achieved what we have (like you too probably) by sheer hard work! (no hand outs here!)

The worrying thing is, is that no matter what we do to ensure that our retirement is reasonably comfortable, we can't help but think that it will all be screwed out of us, only to be given to the freeloading, workshy bastards, who will do anything to avoid working (unless it's cash in hand ) and who's only worry is when the next benefit cheque comes through the letterbox!
Having said that, yes, I do realise that the vast majority of claiments on benefit are decent honest people that deserve our help. It's just an unfortunate fact of life that the minority will always give the majority a bad name and be tarred with the same brush!

How many times do you and I open the papers, only to find articles that tell us how we're going to be screwed next? ie. Road pricing, increased community charges because we dare to have a house with a nice view or patio, and increased green taxation on our flight to a richly deserved holiday! I wouldn't mind if this money was going to help solve the problems, but it doesn't does it! It all goes into the pot, for the Chancellor to squander on his party's money wasting agendas!

I'd like to think that this blog site is going to stir you up enough to send me your views and comments, because if you can't be arsed to do anything about the situation that we all find ourselves in, then you only have yourself to blame.

So, let's get down to basics!

I'd like to think that I'm a well balanced and fair minded person, so anything that you read from me will be well thought out before it's published.
I am not a racist. (although a few things that I might say in the future might appear so!)
and have no political bias.
The only bias I have is the welfare of me and my fellow working countrymen, that doesn't deserve the treatment we're getting!
I'd like to think, that with your help, this site will gather enough momentum, that it can't be ignored! But of course, that is down to you isn't it!

Would the French put up with the crap we put up with?
The answer is NON!
They'd be blocking roads, setting fires all over the place, blocking ports, and rioting in Paris!
But what do we do? We just accept the crap that we're given, and pay up!


So, as far as I'm concerned, enough is enough!

Whether you agree or disagree with what you will read in future blogs, I wan't your feedback. Without that, we can't go forward!

To use a recent famous insurance advert, "I wan't you to quote me happy! "

Now wouldn't that make a change! All we seem to get from this goverment is a quote of doom, gloom, and financial MISERY!

My future blogs will include my views on the following:

The new intrusive community charging.
Road pricing.
Law and order.
Human rights.
Race relations.
Political correctness. (political stupidity more like!)
Tony Blair.
Gordon Brown.
The next election.
Stamp duty.
The war in Iraq.
Pay increases.
American influence.
The middle East.

The list goes on and on, but I hope that you've read enough to realise that I am not stupid, and deadly serious.
If you can't be arsed to respond, then your voice (like mine probably) will never be heard!
I'd like to think that this blog website will get that big, that the powers that be will HAVE to take notice.


Mail me if you want to make a difference!

The Worm...............

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