Full of history and tradition!
I can honestly say that I am proud to be English, and I love my country!
We are protected by the sea, and we haven't been invaded since 1066 (other than the Channel Islands during World War 2 by the Nazis)
However, because we are an island, it seems to me that it's vital that we are self sufficient, to protect ourselves from our enemies. Over the past 1,000 years, millions of our countrymen have fought and died to protect our country, and preserve the freedom that we all have today.
But what a tragic waste of human life! And why?
Coz it's all been given away WITHOUT a fight!
In my early life, everything that we used, saw or owned, was made in England.
The planes in the sky, cars, furniture, trains, buses, TVs and Radios, fridges, washing machines, you name it, they were all made in England. To own something made in Germany was quality, but very expensive, and everything Japanese was cheap and crap! My oh my, haven't things changed!
I recently took stock of what I had in my house, and to my horror, found that only about 5% of what I owned was actually made in England! Most of it had English brand names, but were owned by foriegn companies! (I've been fooled!)
So who is to blame for this sell out of our national manufacturing industries?
Why, good old Maggie Thatcher!
She will always be remembered for the Falklands War, and for her sticking up for the English people in Brussels and on the world stage, and for that, I applaud her!
However, what hasn't clicked with the British public, is that she also sold the country down the river to achieve her aims!
If I had my way, I wouldn't put a bronze statue of her in the the House of Commons!
I'd put her in the stocks for a week, and then burn her at the stake for her treachery!
To save money (because she wasn't clever enough to govern properly or generate any wealth for the country herself) she instructed every Government department and service to shop around, and buy the cheapest!
Market forces being market forces, foriegn competition took over, and our manufacturing died a slow and very painful death, putting hundreds of thousands of good honest people out of work!
What bought it home to me was the Falklands War!
My dad fought, and nearly lost his life, fighting in Belgium, in the Second World War.
During the Falkland conflict, it was obvious that because we'd closed most of our munitions factories down to buy cheaper, we couldn't make enough ammo to support ourselves, so we asked our allies the Belgians to supply us.
Did they supply us? Did they hell!
They didn't wan't to be seen to be biased, the ungrateful cowardly bastards!
(please note, that they also refused to share any intellegence with us or the USA at the time of 9/11) What nice people! I'll remember that, and so should you, should they ever need our help ever again!
The French seem to have the same problem with us too don't they!
We saved their necks in 1945, and yet, they seem to hate us with a vengence!
I have a feeling that they've never forgiven us for Aggincourt!
But I digress.
So, here we are, at the mercy of the world!
The Russians have no need to drop a bomb on us!
All they have to do is turn the gas supply off!
Does that worry you, because it does me!
The whole world could quite easily bring England to it's knees, simply by not supplying us anymore, because we produce absolutely nothing!
So please don't think of dear old Maggie Thatcher with reverance anymore! She sold us, and future generations, down the river!
So all we seem to have left, is our pride, heritage, and patriotism!
But unfortunately for us that is also being given away!
By whom you may ask?
Why, by good old Tony Blair and the PC brigade, that's who!
He seems to be finishing the job that Maggie started, bless him!
I can't fly my national flag because I might offend an immigrant?
I cant send a religous christmas card because I might offend my immigrant workmates?
Schools are now banning the Nativity play at Christmas because we daren't offend other religions!
Our immigant population should be fitting in with us! not the other way round!
Who's bloody country is this anyway?
Even my immigrant mates at work are getting pissed off with all of this PC stupidity!
They aren't asking for all this crap! This stupid bloody Government are!
If nothing else, I have to admire the passion of the French to keep their national identity!They will only allow by law, a certain amount of foriegn radio, tv, or films to be shown!
They are French, proud, and they want to stay that way, and I don't blame them!
I'm English, and I want to stay that way too!
But unfortunately, we are only too willing to be influenced by others, America being the biggest offender! My biggest hate is the way they've bastardised our language and spelling!
If you or I talk about a man, we call him a guy. Mention a £1,000 and we call it a grand! and if you need a hat, invariably it will be a baseball cap! Cricketers giving high fives!
Have I made my point?
We now get down to the nitty gritty (an American expression)
If you or I wanted to emigrate to America, Austalia, or New Zealand, we would be expected to have a profession that would contribute to the country, money in the bank to support ourselves, and be prepared to abide by the rules and laws of the nation.
Do we call them racist? No, of course not! When in Rome, do as the Romans do!
If you want to talk racist, try Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust! Now that's racist for you!
So why can't we apply the same rules here, because we are now being flooded with so many nationalities, the English population are getting fed up with it. To add insult to injury, they seem to have more rights in this country than we do! Surely it must be time to start restricting the influx. We have welcomed with open arms many immigrants over the years, but what we have to remember now, is that we are a very small island, and must now say, enough is enough! (if I remember correctly, I read an artical in the papers that said that we were the third most densist populated country in the world)
There's only so much room in England, and we should no longer be the dumping ground of the world! There is not enough housing or employment to sustain our population as it is. and all we seem to be doing is creating bigger problems for ourselves in the future!
I'm sure I'll be accused of being a racist by some, but this isn't racist, it's realist!
With the passing of time, I've grown to be tolerant of the immigrant situation, I have a lot of ethnic friends, and am always happy to talk about it in an honest and fair minded way.
But please remember what I've said previously. I am proud to be English, and just like the French, I don't want my country to lose its national identity, If you are a 1st generation immigrant reading this, I have a few favours to ask.
You have chosen to live over here, and you are welcome. As a guest, it is only right that you try to blend in as best you can. Work hard, make a contribution to our society, but please expect no special treatment. (we don't get it, so why should you?) If you can do that, then we're half way to racial harmony. Unfortunately, there is a minute minority that won't do the things that I've suggested, and they are the ones that are the causing so much of the racial tension today. All I can say, is if they don't like it here, please go somewhere else, and let the immigrant population in this country (and me) live in peace.
We all want a good life, so why are we all tearing each other to pieces?
What this country will be like in a 100 years from now, I shudder to think!
The Worm................
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