Friday, 9 March 2007

Tony's next job?

So what will our beloved Tony Blair do when he steps down from office?
Sit on the back benches and earn an ordinary MP's salary, representing his constituants?

No bloody chance of that my friend! He, like most of our self serving representatives, entered politics to get their snouts in the trough and ensure their futures! And after all, it's got to be better that doing a hard days work like you and I have to!

I'll bet my house, that within 5 years, just like Niel Kinnock, David Steele, David Owen etc, he will have some very highly paid job within the EU or consultancy, and do absolutely nothing but milk the gravy train!

For an ex Labour PM, just how bloody Conservative can you get?

I'm sure that he and Cherie (unlike you and me) will not spend their retirement, worrying about just how they can afford to pay their council tax, utility bills, road charges, bank charges, healthcare, inheritance tax, congestion charges, and every other tax and bill that may come their way in the future!
Of course not, because they will have made sure that they have had the legal knowledge to avoid every blood sucking tax that they have been quite happy to have imposed on you and I over the past 10 years!

AND, good old Gordon Brown will do exactly the same, just wait and see!

Just remember that it's you and me that will keep those slimey, self serving, selfish bastards in the fashion that they have become so accustomed to!
Are you happy with that, because I'm not!

Come on you worms!


Your beloved Worm..................

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