Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Private Healthcare? (1)

You will be very upset to know, that I have a hernia, and need it operated on quite urgently.
Having seen my GP, it seems that I will have to wait about 6 month to get it fixed on the NHS.

But luck is on my side!

I happen to work for a company who provides free healthcare, and although I don't like the idea of queue jumping, and wholeheartedly believe in the NHS, I've opted to go private.
I contacted the insurance company to get the go ahead, contacted the hospital, and was seen by the consultant within a week.
After he checked me over, he advised me that it was important that I had surgery sooner, rather than later. So, at my convenience, we've made an appointment for an operation for tomorrow. (five weeks after my initial appointment!) It could have been sooner, but it wasn't convenient for me!

Now believe it or not, I do not intend slagging off the NHS (this time)
but I feel I have a very pertinant question to ask.

The tax man says that private healthcare is a "perk" and that I should be taxed on it.

All very well, but by having this perk, I am saving the NHS and the government a hell of a lot of money, AND freeing up a much needed bed for someone else.

So why do I have to give you money to save you money Gordon?

I just can't see the fairness here somehow!

By saying that my private healthcare is a perk, you are admitting that it's better than the service you supply!

What do you think worms?

Am I being unreasonable?

Mail me!

The Very Poorly Worm...............

PS. I will report back in a few days time, assuming I survive!

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