Monday, 12 March 2007

Rail ticket pricing.

This one's a beauty!

Is there anyone out there that can honestly say they understand the ludicrous price structuring of our railway system?
Coz if you do, you are a member of a very exclusive club my friend!

In the good old days (here he goes again!) hehehe! there was only one rail company, and a very simple price structure.
One price for the rush hours, one price for the rest of the day, and one price for week-ends and Bank Holidays. Simple!
Decades later, we find ourselves with lots of rail companies, and different price structures that make the mind boggle.
To be honest, I'm not that sure that ticket office staff are too sure either!
I never leave a ticket office confident that I've paid the correct amount!
But how's this for stupidity!

I had to take a trip a while ago, and to save a bit of money and hassle, I pre-booked my seat by telephone. I asked for a single (as I'd managed to cadge a lift back home) and was told it would cost me £30. Now here's where it get's confusing! The very nice man on the telephone asked me why I didn't want to buy a return ticket. A strange question, but I explained that I didn't need to make a return journey by train. He then went on to explain, that if I purchased a return ticket, it would only cost me £27!

Excuse me? So why aren't you charging me £13.50. for a single then?

Needless to say, I gratefully purchased the return ticket, and binned it at my destination!

What sort of ecconomic sense was that!

And this is progress?

The Worm.................

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