Tuesday, 13 March 2007

The kids of today.

Now here's a can of worms!

Let me start by saying that there are millions of decent parents out there that are doing a great job, bringing up their kids to be fine, honest, decent citizens.
Like my parents did with me, they are teaching their children RESPECT!
However, as usual, it's the minority that will always get the majority a bad reputation!
From what I've experienced, it seems to me that the Asian community have got it right, and that we should take a leaf out of their book!
They strongly believe in family values, and teach their children to talk to, and treat, their elders with respect. They also teach them good manners, right from wrong, obedience, pride in themselves, the importance of a good education, and hard work. That was the how my Victorian influenced parents brought me up, and I don't think that I, my brother, or sister turned out too badly. This is the way that we in turn brought up our kids, and they've turned out ok too! If I did wrong as a kid, I knew I was in for a good hiding and deserved it! I certainly didn't accuse my parents of child abuse and threaten to sue them!
My dad never had a policeman knocking on his door, and I've never had one at my door either! I always used to tell them " If you want to do something, stop and ask yourself if your mum and dad would approve? If the answer is no, DONT DO IT!"
That seemed to have kept my kids out of trouble, and I know that they are telling their kids the same things too.
So what about the problem kids of today? The hoodies, muggers, gang members that terrorise whole neighbourhoods, druggies, thieves, and the rest of the ASBO fodder!
It seems to me that they are the product of their parents neglect! If they had been brought up in a structured fashion like I was, they would be ok too. The trouble is that their parents can't be bothered, and have no interest in them whatsoever! In other words, they cant be arsed! I've driven through the streets of London in the early hours, only to see kids as young as 8 or 9 roaming around. What are their parents thinking of, and what kind of parenting is that! So with that kind of role model, you can understand why there's a problem! So the kids grow up with the attitude, "If they don't give a toss, why should I!" How sad! These kids, because their parents neglect, won't get a decent education, job, or much happiness in their lives. They are the future generation of criminals, misfits, and benefit claiments.

Don't get me wrong! I'm not writing and defending the little bastards, 'cos I hate them and their threatening behaviour! I'm merely pointing out what I consider to be the cause of the problem.
At the end of the day, everybody knows right from wrong, but because of their upbringing, these kids deliberately choose to take the wrong path!

It's their loss in the long run!

Bring back the birch I say! That'll sort the little bastards out! hehehe!

The worm.................

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