Sunday, 18 March 2007

The Food We Waste!

I don't need to be told in the papers that we waste up to a third of the food we buy!
I see it my house every week!

Every week-end, my wife goes to the Supermarket to buy the papers, and a "few things that we need".
3 hours later, she arrives home with the car loaded to the gunnells with goodies!
She will then spend about 20 minutes, going through the fridge, and throwing out anything she doesn't like the look of, or is past it's sell by date, only to re-stock it again with much the same! I wouldn't mind, but when I check out what's being thrown out, I find that most of it is perfectly edible, but "out of date"
I think that this practise is absolutely stupid!
Is there anybody out there, that honestly believes that at the stroke of midnight on the "consume by date! the product suddenly turns from good to bad?
No, of course not. These dates are guidelines, and are not written in stone!
Properly refridgerated, these products will last a lot longer.
So applying that principle alone, you could find yourself saving a lot of money over the course of a year!

Now there's food for thought!

The Worm...........................

NB. We emptied the fridge a while ago, because we were going on a two week holiday. To my amazement, I realised that there was a light inside!

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