Friday, 16 March 2007


A good idea, but restricted by stupid rules, regulations, jobsworths, and idiots!

Let me explain.

Last Christmas, as usual, rubbish collections were disrupted by the bank holiday. Christmas being Christmas, we had an unusually high amount of beer cans and drinks bottles to despose of.

On the day of the next collection, because I had too many cans and bottles, I filled 2 dustbin bags, one for tins, one for glass, and placed them on top of the small recycle bins, so the dustmen realised what they were. When I arrived home that night, what did I find? Yes, you've guessed it! My bottles and cans were still sitting there! And why? Because I couldn't put a lid on the recycle boxes provided! ( but you were collecting 2 weeks rubbish!) Common sense will never prevail because the rules are the rules! Maybe they should have made a collection on Boxing Day as they would have under normal circumstances if it worried them so much? Dustmen think they are a law unto themselves! Always have, and always will do! Upset them, and your rubbish will be strewed all up the road! But give them a tip, and the rules can be bent guvnor!
So. What did I do with my bottles and cans? Infuriated by these bastards, I stuck them in the back of my car, and dumped them in the skip at work! That was probably dumped into some landfill somewhere! I really should have been a good recyling citizen, and driven miles to my council dump (emmiting even more greenhouse gasses doing so) where they could have responsably desposed of my waste. But I didn't! And I'll tell you why. They don't follow their rules, so why should I?

We have bottle banks at our local supermarket. One container for clear glass, one for brown, and one for the rest. So what happened when I saw them being emptied? A lorry came along and emptied them all onto the back of it, all mixed up together!!!!
What a f*cking farce!

The Worm...................................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The worst thing is Worm, The bottles are ground down and used to pack out new roads, a small percentage is used for new bottles or such like. The whole glass recycle thing is a farce. I have that information on good authority.

News papers, don't get me going, they are mostly burnt in incinerators.