Monday, 5 March 2007

The football fans, and the electorate!

I happened to walk into my front room the other day, only to see Tony Blair on the TV, talking about the price of football match tickets.
His view was, that the clubs had to remember, that it was the fans that made the club, and that it was only right to treat the supporters with respect, and make addmission prices affordable to all, because without them, there wouldn't be a club!

My mind clicked into action straight away!

What a two faced idiot that man is!
If he can think reasonably like that about something so unimportant,
why can't he and the government think the same way about their electorate?
I'll tell you why!
Because they're all too busy with their snouts in the trough, making sure they don't have to endure the financial nightmare that they put the rest of us through!

We all work hard enough for our money, and it would be nice if we were allowed to keep some of it!

The worm will definitely turn Tony, and when it does, you're so thick, you'll wonder why!
Don't say I didn't warn you!
The Worm............

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