Friday, 9 March 2007

The new green flight tax!

So good old Gordon Brown in his wisdom, has decided that we all need to be taxed an extra £10 per flight, to deter us from flying, hence reducing the risk of global warming.

What a load of old bollox that man talks!

That bloody plane is going to take off whether I'm on it or not, so what is your point?
You've never said how all that extra money will be spent to save the planet have you Gordon,
so I'll just have assume it must just another way for you to financialy prop up the cock ups you've already made?
I'm quite sure it wont be used to reduce greenhouse emmisions, because just like all politicians, you are a practised liar!
It's just another excuse to rip of the stupid bastards that voted you in!
You promised us everything 10 years ago, but have delivered nothing but gloom and despondency since!
So thanks for that! ( I don't think!)

You obviously have a lot of contempt for the people that voted for you and your party!
( and to think I was nieve enough to think you would look after me!)

So, looking at things from both sides, I cannot understand the unfairness of it all, because you are imposing this charge on people leaving this country for a holiday, but don't charge the people entering the country for the same reason?
Don't they create the same emmissions?

I have visited Turkey about 6 times over the past 10 years.
It is a lovely place to visit, and we always a very good holiday!
However, as soon as I arrive, I am confronted with an official, that informs me that before I can go on my way, I have to buy a £10 visa, and without one, I will be refused entry. So of course I pay up, and carry on.
So, why not do the same here?
It would be such a good earner Gordon!
And all you have to do, is put a till between the carousel and passport control! Very easy money, and so cheap to administer! Then you'll have even more money to spend on useless quangos and consultants that couldn't get it right it their bloody lives depended on it! (and of course, please don't forget to look after my useless scrounging countrymen, that know how to work the system, and wouldn't work for a living if they were under the sentence of death!)

Do I sound unreasonable?
I'd like to think not!
I think, that I think the same way that the countless millions of hard working people in this country do! (please correct me if I'm wrong)
The problem is, is that the workshy claiming culture in our society, are the ones that actually hold the balance of power, as the country as a whole is split about 50/50, so you are obviously going to pander to them aren't you!
If I was one of them, I would obviously vote for the party that was going to look after me and my family of scroungers, and who of course, would be happy to give them support in future years!

So it seems to me that the hard working people of my country are on a hiding to nothing,no matter what we think, say, or do!

But as someone that was brought up with decent parents that had decent standards, I could never ever think that way!

My only agenda, is to enhance the lives of the hard working, tax paying people like myself, who's only wish is to be treated fairly!
I honestly don't think that I'm asking too much, but am convinced that sadly, it will never happen!

Please stand up and be counted worms, before it's to late!

Do you agree with what you've just read?

Whether you do or don't, it's important that you react!


The Worm..................

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